Inefficient Information Flow
Students often rely on fragmented sources, like local class chats, when searching for job opportunities, leading to inefficient information distribution. Vital details about internships and events frequently get lost, failing to reach interested parties effectively..
Challenges in Self-Presentation
Quickly conveying a comprehensive personal profile through a single platform is challenging. Personal websites and portfolios, while useful, demand significant resources to maintain.
Loss of Valuable Resources
Cool and useful things shared by students and mentors in informal chat groups often get lost in the flood of messages. This results in valuable educational and professional development tools not being fully utilized or accessible to the entire community when needed.
Unpredictable Environment
In Russia, the communication services landscape has suddenly got highly unpredictable, with rapid changes due to the exit of various services and the impacts of sanctions. This instability makes it difficult to maintain consistent, reliable tools for professional networking and exposure
Major part of students actively use telegram. Community bot can deliver personalized updates.
Email newsletter covers more conservative users
Email newsletter covers more conservative users
Curators, professors, instructors
Small businesses
School administration